Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Excellent Cameo Renea Rates My Book

Look what author Cameo Renae had to say about "Solstice"!

What can I say…It’s been a long time since I’ve read something that really gripped me, keeping the pages turning, wanting to know what happened next. Well, Solstice ...did that for me. It was an awesome new take on vampires, and this book had it all…horror, suspense, scary, non-sparkly vampires, mystery, and humor.
Gavin is a vampire hunter, who hunts and kills humans who have been infected, but haven’t turned yet.
He runs into a young Half-breed named Solstice, who needs his help and asks for protection. He knows he shouldn’t, but he can’t turn her away. It’s a love/hate, father/daughter relationship, and the banter between them, at times, had me laughing out loud.
I had a hard time putting this one down. Very descriptive and well written. I felt like I was watching the events unfold like a movie, even though some scenes were like…OMG!!! I can’t wait to read the second book!!!
(There is some strong language, horror, and sexual content…recommended for more mature readers.)"

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